
1. waste inputs

1. waste inputs

Inputs include:

  • Municipal solidwaste
  • Biomass
  • Sewagesludge
  • Manufacturingwaste
  • Non-recyclable plastics
  • Hospitalwaste
  • Agriculturalwaste
  • Any other organic waste material*

*No anorganic waste material like metal, glass, stones, etc.

2. Waste pre-conditioning

2. Waste pre-conditioning
  • Untreated waste is processed to remove the recyclables
  • Then dried to a moisture content of 20% or lower

3. Waste storage

3. Waste storage
  • Pre-conditioned waste travels into a storage vessel to ensure a constant supply of input material
  • From the storage to the reformer vessel, oxygen is removed, allowing conversion without combustion
  • No production of toxic oxidized pollutants (e.g. dioxins and furans) in an oxygen-starved environment

4. Reformer process

4. Reformer process

The gas produced in the thermolyser then travels to the separate reforming vessel, where it is transformed into high quality SYN-gas.

2-stage thermolysis process:

  • Waste, heated > 400 °C, is converted directly into gaseous form, due to the lack of oxygen
  • Unlike other waste-to-energy technologies Synthec Fuels uses heat transfer to convert the waste

5. Products

5. Products
  • SYN-gas (with twice the efficiency rate of standard technologies)
  • Hydrogen
  • E-Fuels
  • Methanol
  • Ammonia

6. By-products

6. By-products

All by-products created during energy production can be recycled/reused, including:

  • BioChar for agricultural & filtration applications
  • Clean water
  • Ash
  • CO2
  • Heat:
  • for conversion of further energy
    for producing hot water
    for cooling

7. Option: Electricity production

7. Option: Electricity production
  • SYN-gas can also directly fuel combustion engines to produce electricity, unlike similar technologies that use lower-efficiency steam turbines
  • Initial start-up of the power plant requires an external fuel source, after which it is a fully self-sustaining system, powered by waste



Non-recyclable Plastics

Sewage Sludge

Municipal Waste

Waste Wood


Paper & Cardboard


Processes for the Conversion of Waste and CO2 into sustainable Products


Trucks & Heavy Traffic

Trucks & Heavy Traffic Trucks & Heavy Traffic Cars Air Traffic

Communal Transport

Communal Transport Communal Transport

Railway Traffic

Process Heat Industry

OIL Refineries

Real Estate

Steel Production

Process Heat Industry

Real Estate

Chemical Industry Chemical Industry Chemical Industry Chemical Industry Cars & Light Traffic
Cars & Light Traffic Shipping Industry Communal Transport
Shipping Industry Railway Traffic
Steel Production
Process Heat Industry
Real Estate

Synthec Fuels Hydrogen & Fuels – Reliably available

Synthec Fuels will produce sustainable, green Hydrogen with 7.500 – 8.000 Full-Load-Hours per Year
(Base Load Capability > 5.000 Full-Load-Hours)

SYNTHEC FUELS – 7.500 – 8.000 Full-Load-Hours
Nuclear energy 2020 – 7.510 Full-Load-Hours
Nuclear energy 2021 – 8.070 Full-Load-Hours
Brown coal 2020 – 4.620 Full-Load-Hours
Brown coal 2021 – 5.860 Full-Load-Hours
Biomass 2020 – 4.600 Full-Load-Hours
Biomass 2021 – 4.590 Full-Load-Hours
Hydropower 2020 – 3.280 Full-Load-Hours
Hydropower 2021 – 3.430 Full-Load-Hours
Wind power offshore 2020 – 3.520 Full-Load-Hours
Wind power offshore 2021 – 3.090 Full-Load-Hours
Natural gas 2020 – 3.300 Full-Load-Hours
Natural gas 2021 – 3.170 Full-Load-Hours
Hard coal 2020 – 1.830 Full-Load-Hours
Hard coal 2021 – 2.890 Full-Load-Hours
Wind power onshore 2020 – 1.920 FLH
Wind power onshore 2021 – 1.620 FLH
Mineral oil 2020 – 1.350 FLH
Mineral oil 2021 – 1.610 FLH
Pumped Storage 2020 – 1.090 FLH
Pumped Storage 2021 – 1.100 FLH
Photovoltaics 2020 – 980 FLH
Photovoltaics 2021 – 910 FLH

The term Full-Load-Hour is a unit of measurement used to indicate the degree of utilization of a plant. Since plants do not usually run at full load all year round, but sometimes only operate at partial load or are shut down for maintenance. The maximum number of Full-Load-Hours per year is 8,760 hours (365 days with 24 hours each) and depending on the type of plant, weather conditions of the respective year and plant-specific restrictions.

Hydrogen Logistics

State-of-the-Art Hydrogen Storage Concepts have Significant Drawbacks

Compressed (CGH2)

160 – 750 bar

  • Low storage density
  • High capex and maintenance costs
  • Large safety zones


Flammable Gas

Cryogenic (LH2)

–253 °C

  • Very high energy consumption
  • Very high capex and maintenance costs
  • Not suitable for longer-term storage (e.g. boil – off)
  • Large safety zones

Synthec Fuels’ Logistic Solution for Export

Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) enable a safe and efficient Transport of Hydrogen at ambient Conditions

Exothermic – ca. 250 °C
25 – 50 bar

The LOHC technology
uses basic chemical processes to eliminate the
complexities of today’s hydrogen handling

Endothermic – ca. 300 °C
1 – 3 bar

Low Cost and a highly flexible Supply Chain based on existing Fuel Infrastructure are Key to a full Commercial Roll-Out

x 0
Refueling public transport trains with 180 kgH2
x 0
Refueling public transport buses with 25 kgH2
x 0
Refueling passenger cars with 5 kgH2

A single oil/LOHC tanker can fuel ~140 buses for over 2 years

Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) in comparison