Increasing global Waste and CO2-Emissions

Cumulative plastic waste generation & disposal

Global CO2 emissions, 1900 – present

The Industry accounts for 20% of the global CO2-Emissions

20% Industry / 80% Other

Waste Generation & Energy Content

0 kg
Each person on earth produces waste per day
0 kg
Total waste per day

Assuming 2.5 kWh/kg average energy content (conservative calorific assumption)

0 TWh
of Energy per day
0 TWh
of Energy per year

For comparison: Electric energy consumption in

0 TWh
Europe 2020
0 TWh
CIS 2020
0 TWh
Middle-East 2020
0 TWh
Africa 2020
0 TWh
North America 2020
0 TWh
Latin America 2020
0 TWh
Asia 2020
0 TWh
Pacific 2020
0 TWh
World 2020

Global Potential for the Production of sustainable Hydrogen from Waste

1 ton of hydrogen is enough to move a Fuel Cell Bus more than 100,000 km.
The smallest SYNTHEC FUELS Plant produces 2,100 tons of sustainable hydrogen per year.

Germany – 1.6 Mt/a
Europe – 4.9 Mt/a
Africa – 5.6 Mt/a
USA – 9.3 Mt/a
China – 15.7 Mt/a